Replica Cap Rescue Program

Soldat FHQ’s Replica Cap Rescue Program-Turning rubbish replica caps into treasures.

There is just no end to the rubbish that is being passed off as quality replicas. Got swindled into a cap that you want to scream and throw it at the wall?

Cap Rescue can help make it better.

I’m astounded at some of the places, US based firms, that sell this junk and talk about how accurate their replicas are. Counterfeit Schirmmütz caps are the worst! A German made quality piece is knocked-off in one Asian country, then that knock-off is copied in a second Asian country, then that is used to make an even cheaper copy by another Asian firm…worse looking and poorer construction each step of the way.

Cap Rescue began when friends approached me about caps they had purchased and had them at wits’ end. Basically, I had a free hand to do whatever I could to make the cap look less heinous. There was no where to go but up. Over the last few years, I have developed the skill sets needed to help you with ‘that’ cap you have.

Each rescue is individually bid. I like to do my bid with cap in hand. I can work from photos, but the bid may not hold, there are often hidden things that can only be discovered by a close look. A trip through the Time Machine is always part of the process.

Let Soldat FHQ Cap Rescue turn your garbage into something that is enjoyable.

Check out some examples of our work in the gallery below.

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Examples of Our Work

Some of our latest rescue projects (click an image to scroll through the gallery):